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Graduate Students
The typical point of entry for our group is Caltech's Social Science PhD Program. The PhD is a unique interdisciplinary program that offers the offers the opportunity for highly motivated and quantitatively oriented students to pursue interdisciplinary research in areas common to economics, political science, political economy, history, psychology, anthropology, law, and public policy.
Admission to the PhD program is centralized. All students receive the same core training regardless of disciplinary orientation, and discipline-specific training begins in the second year. Nevertheless, it is helpful to explicitly indicate your interest in the Lab on your application to ensure that it is reviewed by the relevant faculty. Expressing such interest does not constitute a commitment to eventually join the Lab - we encourage our students to pursue a wide range of interests during the first years of our PhD program.
Students typically begin participating in regular Lab meetings in the Fall of the third year after they have attained candidacy. Admission to the group is almost always preceded by advanced coursework and independent research under the supervision of one of the group's professorial faculty.
We are open to participation in the Lab by self-funded post-docs -- please contact one of the group's professorial faculty for details.